Friend For Life


Who does not know about this dog??
 (Yup, exclude Windows users maybe does not know)

My dekstop background is this lovely dog picture right now. In windows, the title of the picture is FRIEND. So, i see this picture and starts imagining about my long last friend.... This story which i gonna tell you is in the range of tens years ago.While I still at elementary school. Still kiddo and doesn't know about the internet or GAPTEK.

Animals ??
Yes, I do love animal. Especially when they still a baby. Aw, bet its so very adorable.. But the most animals, which i like is puppy !

Unfortunately, my mom doesn't allow me to keep animal in the house. Poor little anita huh..?? In my hometown, there is so many animals in the street, such as chickens, cats, dogs, etc. I always so envy my childhood friends, they can keep dogs in their house. They can play with their pets. They can feed them, take care with them..Oh, i always want to have one pets..
But i do have pet, but not animals. It is in the machine game.

Called "Tamagotchi"  Jreng Jreng !!
Tamagotchi is fun, but is not real :(
Tamagotchi is for keep one pets, take care to the pets until its grow up and get married, even it can have children. Don't get tamagotchi pets feel hungry or sick, it can dead too, you know? It can play game, and buy some furniture in the store. And many many functions in that game. But... I repeat again.. Tamagotchi is fun, but not real :'(

I always wish my mom will allow me to keep pets. One day, when I've stepped on the junior high school, me and my sister went to the Berastagi (Sorry not mention it, but my hometown is in Kabanjahe) and we had fun time. And my sister bought some hamster in Berastagi, We bought 2 hamsters, it cost one hundred thousand Rupiah. We take the female and male hamsters to our home in Kabanjahe. And then we won't tell to our mom. Keep it secret. Until my young sister, being so selfish, and she tells to our mom. That time, I still remember, me and my sister hide in the sleep room and lock the door. Until we get hungry enough to go outside the room, and then my mom so angry to us. She takes belt and begin to punish us. I don't want to remember that part....
And the hamsters, my mom take it to outside, and give it to the outsider. While me and my sister still crying after punishment. It's only one night, the hamsters with us, so i don't have picture about it. That is my first experience about my own pets. My poor hamsters.

But, in my grandma house, there was one animal who was once precious to me. The name's Lessy. Usually we just called she asi. "Asi, come here." such like that. Unfortunately again,,, my grandma house is in Medan, which I still stay at Kabanjahe.So, I can't meet too often with Lessy. Lessy is female. I dunno about her type. I just know Lessy is so faithful to us, her owner. Lessy is so nice, although I rarely see her, but she still remember me. Ohh i miss Lessy so much.

Lessy favorite food is .... Here -->
I still remember, if Lessy already smell bout this snack, she will become crazy for this.
Btw, Lessy never get marry .. Because at her old age, she gets sick, and my big family don`t have enough money to bring her to doctor. Lessy always pee with blood, can't eat well. Poor Lessy. And finally she given to someone that i don`t know. That day, I went to Medan to see Lessy, Lessy isn't there anymore. My grandma just said she go to someone place and never came back anymore.
And that time, I hate my self. Because didn't say goodbye to Lessy..

"If you can take care about your animal, Of course your pets will absolutely love you.
In your pets eyes, you are the center of their world. Stop bullying animals, please" - anitakhong

By the way, here my hamster again. The name's Wang Lau Cik. Hihi. But actually, Wang Lau Cik is already died last year. Because stress of her own child already die. Poor Her.
And her husband is already given to our maid..

Thank you for reading and Good Luck !!



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