[REVIEW} Blood Donation

Blood Donation

At Sunday, August 24, I was doing blood donation. That was my first experience doing blood donor. First time, I was kinda scary bout the pain from the needle. Here, Let me tell bout that kind of experience....

There is event for blood donor near my kost. So, the morning, i went to there with my big sis. The very first time, i was sign for the donor things, such as name, home address, born date, etc. And then I was asked by event organizers "Did you already have breakfast?" I do remember, my parents said cannot eat before blood donor. So I just say ,"No, not yet".
And then, i was asked to eat before. So I went to cafetaria and the organizers give me something to eat, it was nasi goreng and teh manis (fried rice and tea). It is yummy and free . After that, i go to check about my tension, and etc. My tension, i don`t remember too well, Because i am not good at that points... Sorry at school, I am social class, not biology, chemical, or physics. But i do heard, the checker said, that my condition is really good to do donor.

After that, i go to check my blood type.
I just know that my blood type is A+ 
and then I made donor card. Here's my donor card ---->>>>
 and then someone gave me 2 blood bags. OMG !! My feeling is unsure. Are those people will take my blood for 2 blood bags. My face becaming pale and my head cant stop thinking about my scare..

Next, i know i am already at bed for sleep and take ours blood, some nurse come to my and talk to me. Maybe she know that me already afraid. And then one old nurse, talk to me. She was really nice. While she talk, the needle already inside my skin, taking my blood. The pain's part is while needle going inside my skin, after that that is no event hurt anymore. Just dont move your hand . Try relax and pretend to be cool ...

LOL !!

There is a accident, my right hand cant give so many blood, because my invisible vein.. stupidity vein.. And the nurse begin to take my left hand to take my blood again. Oh my.. :-(

But the left hand veins more worse, the needle already inside my skin, but the blood doesn't want to come out, maybe the nurse cant find my veins in the left hand. Dodol la.. Just bring some pain to the my left hand. Poor my left hand..

After that, the nurse stop to take my blood anymore. I just relax and drink some tea. While some nurse start gossip about my self. "DASAR MAMAK-MAMAK, " I said in my feeling.
I dunno about that 2 blood bags, are they take my blood until 2 full blood bags or not? Because i am concentrated with the pain... 

<< I take this picture 3 days after doing blood donor. There is a scars. And now, the scar turn blue. But today, this morning, they don't have any scars anymore. Thank goodness....

Notice : I wrote this review to tell the other don't be scare bout blood donors, your bloods is precious for who need it. If it can help the others, Why Not ??

Thank you for reading and Good Luck !!



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1 comment:

  1. I want to give you a massive sperm donation Anita ;)
