[REVIEW] Freshlight Schwarzkopf : Passion Blond

First one, I must confess, I ever dye my hair. If I am not wrong, I dye it when 2013. 
But, I’m not gonna talk about the past, but the present.

Freshlight Schwarzkopf : Passion Blond

You can see, there is a cute doll in the packaging. Haha, that’s why I bought this product too. I bought it from Guardian – Central Park for Rp 134.900,- And I am so frustrated, because after I searched it online, I am just realize the product is just for around 99.000,- Silly me T_T There is so many online shop and department store that sell this product. So, it’s easy to find.

Inside The Box
  • A cream tube for dye hair                    
  • A developer cream bottle
  • After coloring treatment
  • Comb applicator
  • Plastic gloves
  • How to use brochure

How to use
  • The cleanliness. You can use a newspaper, put it in the floor. And newspaper or towel put it in your shoulder. Just to make sure for the cleanliness. Don’t make everything dirty if you gonna dye your hair!
  • Take a cream tube. Use the sharp one on the cap and stick it to open the seal.
  • Take a developer cream bottle, open it. And combine with cream tube inside developer cream tube.
  • Close and shake it for at least one minutes. The color will be change. Make sure the color mix evenly.
  • Switch the cap of the developer cream bottle with the comb applicator. You can put your plastic gloves right now.
  • Apply it in hair. Make sure do it average until the end of hair, so the result will be good. And the stand still for about 30 minutes.
  • After 30 minutes, rinse it with warm water. And the wash the hair with shampoo. Any product of shampoo will be good. Then rinse again. And the use after coloring treatment, like using conditioner. Rinse with clean.
The result
I think I had a big fail in this dye experiment. Because I’m doing it alone so there is uneven color. Poor me. You can see before after my picture. After I dye it, there is still have black color. I fail! But still, I guess I must use two box of hair dye. Because you know lah, my hair is medium long. One box is not enough.

exposed to the sun

Pros (+)
This product is worked! I have blond color mix with black color. But still, I’m not gonna blame anyone for my own mistake *chuckles*
+ It’s already two weeks after I colored my hair, but my hair still not broken. So this product is well…. good!
+ You know I colored my hair by myself. The cream spilled to everywhere, floor, my shirt, etc. But still, the cream is easy to cleaned.

Cons (-)
- The ammonia smell. Ugh. It’s make me sick.
I use of it rather difficult. I had hard time. It’s hard to reach out for the back.

Overall, this product is worked! I’m browsing in internet, and I have some fact. Our human hair is different each other. There is one easy to dye and there is one hard to dye. And I’m guess my hair is the one that hard to dye. My hair is naturally straight and hard to make curly, even with using an iron tools. I have to put on hardener spray on my hair to be able to last long (the curly). But for my hair, this product is worked! You know, I never bleached my hair before. 
Thank you for reading and good luck !



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