[REVIEW] Menard - One Touch Lipstick

Hello dear, how do you do? Actually I’m in my emotion state right now. Many troubles came to me this few weeks ago. So that’s why I can’t do this blog things. But, fortunately I can manage it finely. Thanks to my beloved siblings and my fellow friends who are always being to support and help me.
Although, I’m always annoy them. Hehe. Stop with sadness things. 

Now, I’m gonna review 'bout Menard – One Touch Lipstick. 
Although for me, it’s not a new product, but I want to review about it.

I knew this product since 2014 from my sis. Menard-One Touch Lipstick is made from Japan. So, it’s a Japan cosmetics. You know lah, I’m always use Japan cosme, because I’m influenced by my sis. Everything I know is from my sis. Thanks to her. And I think that Japan cosme is make our appearance more kawaii and it’s match for my personality. 

Just look at the name, Menard-One Touch Lipstick, we don’t have to bother again to apply it to our lips. Because it’s one touch function. At least for me, the color holds until 3-4 hours. For another lipstick, If I eat or drink something, the lipstick in our lips, also swallowed by the foods. You can find this product in online shop or Sogo Department Store. Menard already have a stand in there. So, it is easy to find.

There is so many color of Menard-One Touch Lipstick. But I’m bought The #100 Orange color. After I apply it in my lip, it turns to be pink, and I love the result in my lip.

You can see, right? In the lipstick there is orange color. And in my lips, there is pinky color. And yet, Menard also moisturize our lips, so that’s why I can never see my lip dry or crack while I use this product.


* One Touch Lipstick (You know I mean) *smirk* The color stand long enough.
* The packaging so modern, unique & easy to grab on. We don’t have to be afraid to lose the cap anymore. Because the cap already become one with the packaging.
* Lips will not become dry and crack.
* The result in lip make lips more fresh and natural, and yet for the color, the result depending on each lips.
* Fast and easy application and touch-ups with one hand.
* Don’t need to use lipbalm anymore. Lips already look really healthy and glossy.
* It’s kinda pricey. But, I don’t mind it. Because quality can defeat pricey.

Overall, I’m really happy with this product. Yeay, for Menard – One Touch Lipstick.
That's all for this post.
Do feel free to drop any comment or a question on my formspring if you still have any questions or doubt. I'll try my best to answer them if possible.
Thank you for reading and Good Luck !!



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